Fast has become the lead unit in the development of remanufacturing standards for transmissions

Recently, the "Automobile Parts Remanufacturing Standards Initiation Meeting" organized by China Automotive Technology and Research Center and China Automotive Industry Association was held in Xi'an. The meeting determined Fast 's participation in the development of the national standard "Technical Requirements Transmission for Auto Parts Remanufacturing Products" and the participation of the national standard "Technical Specifications for the Dismantling of Automotive Remanufacturable Components".

In accordance with the requirements of the meeting, Fast has set up a standard development project team, and has now completed the drafting of the draft standard and the company's internal opinion solicitation. This standard was fully affirmed and highly appreciated by the participating experts at the second working meeting of the remanufacturing standards drafting group held in Guangzhou.

In addition, Fast was also identified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as QC/T29063.4 "Technical Conditions for Automotive Mechanical Transmission Assembly (Chapter 4 Heavy Duty)" and QC/T568.4 "Automobile Mechanical Transmission Bench Test Methods (Fourth Zhang Duan) took the lead in the formulation of the two standards. At present, the two draft standards are basically completed and have entered the internal consultation stage.

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